Pyodermite chez le chien : conseils & astuces

Dog pyodermitis: Tips & Tips

There pyodermite is a common dermatological infection in dogs which is characterized by redness, plates and very intense itching. Sometimes difficult to treat, infection can make your pet's life very complicated.

What is pyodermite in dogs? 

A little etymology to understand this skin problem 

  • "Pyo" means "pus" 
  • "dermatitis" refers to inflammation of the skin.

In other words, pyodermitis in dogs is A bacterial infection of the skin that causes inflammation and the formation of pus.

It is always recommended to consult a veterinarian if you think your dog could suffer from pyodermitis. The veterinarian may establish a precise diagnosis and recommend the appropriate treatment to relieve the discomfort of your animal and promote the healing of his skin.


What are the causes of pyodermital in dogs?

Pyodermitis can be caused by different bacteria that are increasing excessively and cause an infection.

In 90% of cases, the bacteria responsible for the infection responds to the sweet name of STaphylococcus pseudointermedius.

A staphylococcus, which, like staphylococcus gold in humans causes many skin problems.


What are the symptoms of pyodermital in dogs?

The infection is most often located on the least hairy areas such as the belly, pasta or folds of the skin. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sometimes extreme itching
  • oozing
  • a bit less provided in certain places
  • crusts
  • dandruff.

Eddy, Golden Retriever 5 years old suffering from pyodermitis following an allergy to the saliva of chip

The underlying causes of pyodermitis

Setting a skin problem is already good.

Adjust it to the source, so that it does not come back, it's much better !

The bacteria responsible for pyodermitis rarely settled by chance, and although genetics plays for many, there is often a cause underlying these itching. 

Among them :

  1. Allergic terrain
  2. Lack of hygiene
  3. Too aggressive shampoos that alter the skin barrier
  4. Unaised power supply 
  5. The stress
  6. Certain drugs (corticosteroids can promote bacterial infections)
  7. A wound
  8. A bite (of tick for example)



How to relieve my dog's pyodermal tendency?

First of all, consult a veterinarian. He will be able to identify the cause of itching and confirm - or not - bacterial infection.

Treatment of pyodermitis in dogs generally involves the administration of antibiotics to combat bacterial infection. In some cases, antiseptic shampoo or lotions can also be recommended to clean the skin and reduce inflammation. It is important to treat the underlying cause of pyodermitis, such as allergies or parasites, to prevent recurrences.

Beyond the treatment of conventional treatments, several things can be considered to relieve the skin of a dog suffering from pyodermitis.

  1. Opt for a Hypoallergenic food. A food allergy can be the cause of all its inconveniences

  2. Use very (very) shampoos soft - as a preventive basis, because some too aggressive shampoos can weaken the skin barrier.

  3. Use a purifying To restore the skin ecosystem.

  4. A dietary supplement Can also help relieve itching internally.


If veterinarians have the annoying tendency to prescribe antibiotics and cortisone without asking questions too much, you know like us that these are not lasting solutions or desirable for the health of our hair balls. Also there are natural alternatives, tested and approved by many customers.


Natural pyodermite treatment

Effiskin® - Lotion with 16 plants

A purifying lotion, based on synergistic plants, which dislodges the staphylococcus responsible for the infection with rapid and sustainable action. 

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