5 aliments que tu penses sains mais qui ne le sont pas

5 foods you think healthy but that are not

No, promised, we are not talking about Easter chocolates 😉

Under healthy appearances sometimes hide deceived products that do anything but good to our body! Zoom on 5 of them 🔎

1️⃣ 100% fruit juice

If we remove the skin, pulp and fruits seeds, we also eliminate fibers that help slow the absorption of sugars naturally present in whole fruits, which causes insulin peaks. How to cure it ? By incorporating vegetables to limit the calories and sugar contained in the juice or much more simply by opting for a smoothie by mixing whole fruits with a vegetable milk!

2️⃣ Non -organic wholemeal bread

The wholemeal bread has a better nutrient intake compared to white bread, but when it is not organic, it is much worse! The complete flour incorporates the envelope of the grain, but it is the place privileged by pesticides to stay there. A whole (non -organic) whole bread contains more pesticides than a classic wand! 😱

3️⃣ Burged rice pancakes (and others in case “soufflés”)

Flagship product of organic stores and “healthy” snacks, these pancakes are nothing healthy! Like all puffed products, they have an extremely high glycemic index that will make your blood sugar level up! By being very bad for the pancreas and the arteries, this type of food increases the risk of resistance to insulin, diabetes, obesity and premature aging. 

4️⃣ Witchy drinks and light yogurts

To reduce the caloric intake of a food, two options: either sugar or the fat. To reduce sugar, industrialists use sweeteners with the disputed effects on health (e.g. aspartame). To reduce fat, it is more complicated because since they give a taste and consistency to the product, they must be replaced by something else! Industrialists must then add many additives (and sugar!) To compensate for it, which in the end gives us all ... except healthy products. A height, right?

5️⃣ Energy drinks

These drinks are often enriched with nutrients presented as beneficial for health, but their sugar content and the potential undesirable effects of certain additives prevail over the potential advantages of these ingredients. To avoid if you do not need specific contributions in minerals linked to the intensity of your sports practice!

Of course, all these foods are bad for the body if they are consumed frequently, but it is also important to have fun from time to time! In short, everything is to the extent! 😋

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