Les cafés aux plantes adaptogènes : boisson révolutionnaire ? Notre avis

Coffees with adaptogenic plants: a revolutionary drink? Our opinion

Fight stress naturally, give a boost and improve your concentration?

You have probably heard of it: the Adaptogenic cafes have the wind in its sails. Appeared across the Atlantic in recent years, these bags of coffee infused with adaptogenic plants have become real social networks stars! 

Curious and adventurous of nature, we decided to test for you.

We tasted the British cafes London Nootropics and the French cafes from Inners  In order to see if their products were up to their reputation. We tell you everything! 👇



What is an adaptogenic coffee? 

Everything starts from a simple observation: coffee consumption increases stress on a daily basis.

A adaptogenic coffee is a coffee to which adaptogenic plants have been added, that is to say plants that help the body to better face stress. Basically, it is a coffee that can help reduce the negative effects of stress on the body.

👉 To allow you to make your own opinion, here is a 10% discount on all our adaptogenic coffees (COFE10 code)


We tested for you: London Nootropics adaptogenic coffees

London Nootropics is a British brand that offers us a range of ground cafes, mixed with adaptogenic plants such as Ashwagandha for serenity, Lion's mane for concentration or even cordyceps for performance.


1. Flow - Adaptogenic coffee that boosts memory and concentration

Plants used:

  • Lion's mane (or Hericium): would stimulate brain functions to promote learning, memorization and concentration. Discover the multiple benefits of this fungus just here

  • Rhodiola: Pwould be increasing Resistance to effort while acting positively on stress.

In short, Flow adaptogenic coffee is ideal for anyone wishing to boost their intellectual performance. 


Alex's opinion: 
« I who am chess player, I was particularly interested in testing this coffee which would help us reach the'Flow state, namely a maximum concentration and productivity that makes it possible to release our creativity. Admittedly it is not as strong as an espresso, but I was pleasantly surprised by this mix which really helped me to be more alert and much more productive than usual. I will really test it in competition! »
Anaïs' opinion:
« Being a student, I have long looked for a solution to help myself concentrate and de -stretched before my partials. I tested a lot of different things so I did not expect much, but I really saw a difference on my memory and my stress management. That's crazy ! I will take a box before each period of partials.»


Mojo, adaptogenic coffee that boosts physical performance 

Plants used:

  • Cordycepts: Adaptogenic fungus renowned to improve physical and mental performance. Very well known in Tibet, this superfood acts throughout the body in order to offer greater vitality. 

  • Ginsengpowerful Adaptogen recognized to increase resistance to physical and mental stressors by increasing blood flow and cell oxygenation. It combines perfectly with the cordycers to give a natural boost to your day.
Fanny's opinion:
“Large sportswoman, I was looking for a way to boost myself before effort while improving my recovery after my session. After several series of tests, I particularly feel the effects of this coffee on different endurance sports (running, cycling). I didn't really believe it, but it is clear that I am more efficient by taking Mojo coffee. I was afraid of feeling the taste of plants, but it is absolutely not the case! »»

What taste has an adaptogenic coffee?

The adaptogenic coffees are prepared by mixing extracts from adaptogenic plants with ground coffee. Extracts from adaptogenic plants often add herbaceous and earthy flavors to coffee, which can vary depending on the plants used and their concentration.

However, the exercise is perfectly mastered in London Nootropics, because although we find plants in fairly large quantities, thehe taste of coffee is absolutely not altered. We have all the flavors of a Barista coffee. It is not for nothing that the brand is served in London's most trendy coffee shops!


And for the undecided? 
The discovery box, to offer or to offer!

Can't make any choice?

Do not panic ! London Nootropics thought of everything and concocted a discovery box containing Three adaptogenic cafes recipes

  • 4x zen: Ashwagandha + hemp 
  • 4x Flow : Lions' mane + rhodiola
  • 4x Mojo : Cordycepts + Siberian ginseng

Three Baristas cafes recipes to experience all the benefits of adaptogenic plants infused in your coffee! 

Also Ideal to offer Because the case is absolutely magnificent.

👉 To discover right here!

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