La gemmothérapie : bienfaits, procédés, utilisations

Gemmotherapy: benefits, processes, uses

1️⃣ What is gemmotherapy?

Latin gemmae (bud), gemmotherapy uses buds and the Young plant shoots To treat different pathologies. Although phytotherapy stands, it differs from it using only the embryonic part Plant, not its adult part. 🌱

2️⃣ What are the benefits of gemmotherapy?

Gemmotherapy starts from the fact that active ingredients are much stronger in the bud than in the adult part of the plant. The bud then containing all the potential for plant growth, gemmotherapy complexes are concentrates of assets! 💪

3️⃣ How is it done?

The buds are harvested, chopped and then put to macerate for 3 weeks in a solution based on water, glycerin and alcohol. Then, the extraction is made with or without dilution, depending on the method chosen.

4️⃣ What are the plants used in gemmotherapy?

The advantage in gemmotherapy, it's that All plants with therapeutic benefits can be used ! 😉

Here are some of the best known:

5️⃣ And for what benefits?

Gemmotherapy will act in different ways:

  • Relaunch and stimulates the glands (adrenal, pituitary gland, thyroid, hypothalamus, gonades
  • Regenerates and rejuvenates fabrics
  • Draft emunctories
  • Stimulates the manufacture of amino and vitamins acids
  • Brings certain active ingredients plants

And of course, it solves many specific problems, does not hesitate to find out about the Macérat most suited to your ailments! 🌿

The little extra? It can also be used for animals ! Dogs, cats, horses ... The list is long, so don't hesitate to get closer to your veterinarian! 🐶


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