Soulager son organisme pendant et après les fêtes 🎄

Relieve your body during and after the holidays 🎄

As we know, the end of year celebrations often rhyme with excess. Between alcohol, small ovens and chocolate log, your liver can no longer follow The cadence and makes you feel? We give you 3 tips For relieve your body During and after the holidays. ✨

1 - Take care of your digestive system

At first glance, it is easier to say than to do. But improving digestion goes through small simple gestures : take the time to masticate, eat a larger portion of vegetables, reduce the quantity ofalcohol ingested ... 

And to top it all, nothing like a apple cider cure For booster her digestion, eliminate acidity, detoxify the body And help to the weightloss. Real Swiss knife essential after the holidays, discover all the Cider vinegar benefits !

2 - Move! 🤸‍♂️

Instead of staying talking about the table with your loved ones after the meal, offer them a ride Who in addition to improving your digestion, will also make you get some fresh air! (And bonuses, it's perfect for children overflowing with energy) 😉 And if you are overwhelmed during the day, nothing like a little workout Or a morning ride to stimulate the body!

3 - Practice PLC♂️

Do you have the feeling of having a balloon in the stomach? Outside meals, you can try theDigestive system ! Accompanied by a neutral massage oil (almond, coconut, etc.) for more softness, now is the time to reconnect to your body to help it eliminate. 🌿

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