Sport et cycle menstruel: comment allier les deux ?

Sport and menstrual cycle: how to combine both?

It's a fact: the menstrual cycle acts on our performances. Decrease or revival of fatigue, a decreased or increased force ... Since the cycle greatly varies the hormones present in the body, each period of the cycle is unique. But what to do, and when? We decipher this today!

Following your menstrual cycle to gain performance is the bet made by the USA women's football team during the World Cup. And we can say that it worked: after their victory, the staff revealed having designed training programs specially adapted to the cycles of the players. 

1️⃣ The follicular phase: strength and energy to resell

This is the phase that extends from the first day of the rules until ovulation. The testosterone level is high during this period, which causes a peak of dynamism, increased motivation and greater pain resistance. And since the organism is more inclined to draw on its glycogen reserves, this is the ideal period to do a bodybuilding and explosiveness! 💥

2️⃣ The ovulation period: watch out for ligaments!

The estrogen level increases and fatigue tired of this phenomenon can appear. Ovulation aggravates ligament flexibility, special attention should be paid during this period to avoid any risk of accidents (strength work, softening, etc.) 🤕 🤕 🤕 🤕 🤕

3️⃣ The luteal phase: 

During this phase, the progesterone level increased while the estrogen level decreases. Body temperature increases, the body will favor the use of carbohydrate lipids; It can then be interesting to practice aerobic activity (cycling, running, swimming, etc.) The serotonin level is also decreasing, which can alter mood and sleep! 😴

4️⃣ The rules of rules: sport or rest, it's up to you!

It all depends on your symptoms! Although it is rather not recommended to practice a very intense physical activity the day (s) when your flow is very abundant, nothing prevents you from practicing a light sports activity (avoiding working the abdominal zone), or Simply rest. 🧘

In any case, the most important thing is obviously to listen to your body, in all circumstances. ❤️

To sum up:

Follicular phase: energy, tenfold force = explosive sports or bodybuilding 🏋️

Ovulation: Light fatigue, flexibility of increased ligaments ⚠️

Luteal phase: Lipids more used than carbohydrates = aerobic activity (cycling, running, swimming ...)🏊‍♀️

Rules: It's up to you, but intense sport rather advised not! 



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