Le kudzu (pueraria lobata), la plante anti-addictions par excellence

Kudzu (pueraria lobata), the ultimate anti-addiction plant

Cigarette, alcohol, sugar ... Addictions are real pathologies that undermine the daily life of the people concerned. 

If you are desperate not to succeed in decreasing or even stopping tobacco, alcohol or even sugar, everything is not lost because it exists a plant that can really help to remove an addiction: the kudzu !

What is Kudzu?

THE kudzu is a climbing plant widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for millennia to treat addictions thanks to its very high content in isoflavones (Daidzéine, Gennaitéine, Puérarine). 

👉 It's here Only plant naturally rich in puttery, source of its properties anti-addictive.


What is the effect of Kudzu in the event of an addiction?

  • Effects of Kudzu to quit smoking

Kudzu has an influence on the reward system of the brain.

For smoking stop, les isoflavones Kudzu trigger the production of dopamine By taking the place of nicotine in the brain, and since the receptors are occupied, nicotine can simply no longer fix it! 

Since the flavonoids attach to the receptors, You won't want to smoke To relax because the Kudzu will already give you this feeling of "reward".

Moreover, the saponosides contained in the Kudzu will give you a feeling of well-being in addition to detoxify your liver, which allows the Kudzu to have a combined action Very interesting on two different levels: anti-addiction and detoxifying the body.

It is important to specify that it is not a question of replacing an addiction with another; It has been scientifically proven that the taking of Kudzu does not cause any addiction.

  • Effects of Kudzu on alcoholic withdrawal

In the case of alcohol, it is not a question of completely stopping addiction, but of reducing the desire to drink as well as the amount consumed. 

Thanks to its Daidzine content, a molecule being part of the flavonoids which has an inhibitory effect, the Kudzu weaning help By reducing the effect of lack, whether in the context of an addiction to tobacco, to alcohol with sugar; All in all, it is the essential plant to take in cure in the event of addictions to support the organism in this process.

👉 It is also a calming, anti-stress and hepatoprotective plant, so it has very complete and interesting effects in the event of an addiction.

But beware ! Not all kudzu are equal, and we explain you How to choose your kudzu well!

The benefits of Kudzu summaries:
  • Anti-addictions
  • Calming
  • Anti stress
  • Hepatoprotector


Kudzu contraindications

Due to its content in isoflavones, the Kudzu is naturally not recommended in the event of apersonal or family of breast cancer, pregnancy or breastfeeding.



Lukas se et al. An Extract of the Chinese Herbal Root Kudzu Reduces Alcohol Drinking by Heavy Drinkers in Naturalistic Setting. Alcohol Clin Ex., 2005 May; 29 (5): 756-762.

These writings do not fall under the medical council and are not replaced by an existing treatment or a consultation with a health specialist. If in doubt, ask your doctor's advice before taking anyone.

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