Quels sont les bienfaits du thym ?

What are the benefits of thyme?

Much more than a simple culinary flavor, thyme is a real Swiss knife as soon as our bodily balance is disturbed. Do we discover this together? 👀

 1️⃣ It acts on many diseases in the ENT and respiratory sphere

The thyme allows you to treat different conditions, it has other other-anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, which makes it an ally of choice when you suffer from a respiratory pathology! 🌪

2️⃣ It is an anti-aging ally of choice

The thyme is very antioxidant! It fights against free radicals and is part of the prevention of certain cancers, and certain age -related pathologies.

Due to its iron concentration, it is also a very good source of vitamin K, the head of blood coagulation and the health of bone tissue. Be careful however if you are under anticoagulant treatment!

3️⃣ He acts against digestive disorders

If you have made an overly generous meal, thyme is an excellent digestion ally. Its anti-ballooning action removes fermentation and de facto gases, intestinal pain. An infusion of thyme will stimulate the gallbladder and unclog the liver. 

4️⃣ He has healing and antiseptic properties

Thymol contained in thyme is a powerful anti-infectious molecule. A thyme -based solution makes it possible to disinfect a small non -superinfected wound and promote healing at the same time.

🍵 How to consume it? 🍵

You can consume thyme:

- 🍵 Infusion

- 🌪 Inhalation

- 🍶 In a lozenge / syrup

- 🍯 In the form of honey

- 🥤 In essential oil (watch out for doses!)

- 🌱 As a spice

- 💆‍♀️ In cosmetics

And you, how do you prefer the thyme? We do what we prefer is the “Breathing” honey from Beelab!


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