Cross addiction pack - Kudzu + Maté
Cross addiction pack - Kudzu + Maté
Cross addiction pack - Kudzu + Maté
Cross addiction pack - Kudzu + Maté

Cross addiction pack - Kudzu + Maté

Regular price €104,60 Sale price €84,70
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"I do not see how I will be able to do without my traditional café cigope after the meal"

This is a remark that we have heard dozens of times.

This phenomenon is the result of a well -known effect of addictologists: Cross addictions. 

Indeed, studies show a increased consumption coffee from smokers [1].

There caffeine and the nicotine are two molecules highly addictive, which often maintain a double dependence, at a time physical And psychological. 

If coffee has benefits For small dose health, he is also responsible forside effects such as a increased stress, of the nervousness And greater fatigue. 

This is the reason why we have created this pack for everyone wishing to radically change their consumption habits.

Pack content

  • 3 pots of 60 capsules of Kudzu (3 months of treatment)
  • 500g of original green mate
  • 1 calabasse (traditional container to drink the mate)
  • 1 bombilla (traditional filter straw


What is the mate?

Originally from Latin America, the mate comes from a plant that is consumed in a traditional way in infusion in a calabash, using a filter straw. 🧉
Very popular throughout the South American continent, its consumption now extends beyond the oceans!

The benefits of the mate

The mate has lots of benefits, which make him an excellent alternative to coffee. Here are the 4 most important:

  • Long -term energy

The mate is rich in caffeine (much less than in coffee) and Theobromine. The latter will energize the body Without causing a peak of excitement / fatigue Like coffee, which allows you to hold all day! The mate allows you to awaken the body in a gentle way.

  • A complete superfood

Due to its properties, the Maté Yerba is considered to be a superfoodIt is a versatile plant, rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, potassium, iron, magnesium, chlorophyll, flavonoids, trace elements, tannins and essential amino acids. 

  • Excellent antioxidant

Mate has such a concentration of polyphenols that it is 90% more antioxidant than tea! Enough to protect cells from premature aging. 💚

  • Burnt fat

The mate accelerates metabolism and burns more calories (especially when you play sports!). According to several studies carried out, people consuming mate would burn on average 23% of fat more than an average person. 

Maté vs Café: the comparison

👉 The Maté offers a softer stimulation than coffee, thus avoiding peaks and falls of energy. Its caffeine content and more particularly in theobromine provides sustained and durable energy, without the harmful effects of nervousness.

👉 Unlike coffee, the mate has powerful antioxidants that can help Reduce oxidative stress and at strengthen the immune system. It is also richer in nutrients. 

👉 The mate offers mental and physical stimulation without disturbing sleep or causing adverse effects such as insomnia or palpitations, if consumed in a reasonable manner.

👉 Available in original version or in a mint version to give pep's to your day!

The benefits of Kudzu

Kudzu is a climbing plant widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for millennia to treat addictions thanks to its very high content in isoflavones (Daidzéine, Gennaitéine, Puérarine). 

Recognized for its benefits as part of a smoking cessation or alcoholic, this plant  climbing is full of virtues.

👉 It's here Only plant naturally rich in puttery, source of its properties anti-addictive.

  • Effects of Kudzu to quit smoking

Kudzu has an influence on the reward system of the brain.

For smoking stops, isoflavones Kudzu trigger the production of dopamine By taking the place of nicotine in the brain, and since the receptors are occupied, nicotine can simply no longer fix it! 

Since the flavonoids attach to the receptors, You won't want to smoke To relax because the Kudzu will already give you this feeling of "reward". 

Moreover, the saponosides contained in the Kudzu will give you a feeling of well-being in addition to detoxify your liver, which allows the Kudzu to have a combined action Very interesting on two different levels: anti-addiction and detoxifying the body.

It is important to specify that it is not a question of replacing an addiction with another; It has been scientifically proven that the taking of Kudzu does not cause any addiction.


[1] Between Smoking and Caffeine Associations Consumption in Two European Cohorts, Treur et al. 2016

France Métropolitaine - 2 à 3 jours

  • Livraison à domicile : 5.90€
  • Livraison en point relais : 4.50€
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🚚 La livraison à domicile est gratuite dès 79€ d'achat

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Europe - 3 à 6 jours

  • Livraison à domicile : 9.90€
  • Livraison gratuite dès 100€ d'achat.

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